
Hey there! my name is Steve Bailey (aka Kodaloid) and I’m a software dev from the Wirral, UK.

When I’m not working at my 9-5 as a web developer, working through my back catalogue of games steam sales, or playing Fortnite with my nephew. I hang out in my custom studio working on all sorts of eclectic and odd things such as coding computer games, software, building custom electronic gadgets, repairing vintage computers, learning how to 3D print, and brewing fancy coffee.

My main passion though is software engineering, with an emphasis on game programming, and that is the main theme of this site.

Why Stick Around?

Most software developers neglect documenting what they are doing, and I am no exception. The real goal of this site is to force me to journal what I get up-to more, because there are a lot of positives to doing it. And to showcase complete projects that can add value to others.

News maybe slow, but I recommend watching the ongoing progress of Xentu, which is a game engine I’ve been working on for literally 10 years! It’s a hot mess of different versions at the moment, however one day it is going to be something special!

Keeping Up To Date

If you would like to keep up to date on my adventures, I have a YouTube channel that you can subscribe too where I post videos every so often on various things.

With Google FeedBurner going the way of the dinosaur, the mailing list is getting retired, and I’m moving announcements and social updates to Twitter. So please follow me @kodaloid_dev to keep up to date, or say hello!