
The Audio Global

Ok so today I finally tackled the sound system once more. Since I updated the coding style for lua scripts, the sound system was left out due to how complicated it is. However I now that if I’m to make further progress on the todo list, the audio system will need to work properly. So […]

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Understanding Inline Resources

Tonight I decided to work on fixing an issue with file paths. The other day I realised that hard coding relative paths had a downside, in that there is no flexibility for if the Game.lua for example is within the same path, in a subdirectory, or somewhere else. So tonight I added a new part […]

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Finally building in Visual Studio!

After putting a lot of thought into it, it seems really dumb that I used the hpp file format for header files. It looks out of place, but also it’s completely opposite to what people expect when looking at source for a project. Anyway, after spending 30 minutes renaming and fixing all the linkage issues, […]

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Looking towards the future.

Today I’ve been focusing on an idea I concluded on Saturday after many weeks of pondering. Basically I want the prooject to have a set of core princaples to make sure that the project always stays on track. I think by doing so, it’ll also help describe what makes the project/engine different to others. In […]

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